03.10.2023-09.10.2023 – Announcement of an open tender for the conclusion of a voluntary health insurance contract for the Company’s employees

JSC Russian Fishing Company, located at: 121353, Moscow, st. Belovezhskaya, 4-B tel.8 (495) 775-7661(hereinafter referred to as the Organizer) invites you to attend participation in an open tender by requesting proposals for the conclusion of a voluntary health insurance contract for the Company’s employees.

1. Cost:
•Insurance cost of a VHI policy for an employee in Moscow: being discussed
•Insurance cost of a VHI policy for an employee in St. Petersburg: being discussed
•Insurance cost of the voluntary medical insurance policy for an employee in the regions (Vladivostok, Podolsk, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Samara, Ufa, Chishmy, Tyumen: is being discussed
•VIP insurance for top management (selection of individual conditions, with maximum discount): discussed.

2. Filling:

Availability of clinics: Polyclinics UDP, On Clinic, Medsi, Be Healthy, LDC Kutuzovsky, Nearmedic, Polyclinic named after. Pirogovo and possible equal analogues, PKDC on the street. Cheremukhovoy (for Vladivostok)
3. Services:
Outpatient clinic, dentistry, calling a doctor at home, ambulance, emergency and planned hospitalization and hospitalization.
4. Bonus:
VZR, vaccination, doctor in the office, preferential insurance for relatives

To participate in the tender of Russian Fishing Company JSC, you need to send the following documents to the email address tenders@rusfishcom.ru:
1. Application for participation in the tender on the participant’s letterhead with the company’s seal and the signature of the general director, according to the form below:
2. Documents listed in the application for participation, scanned
3. Commercial proposal, drawn up on company letterhead, certified by the seal and signature of the General Director, scanned in the form below.

IMPORTANT!!! An applicant who has not sent his commercial proposal to the specified email address is not entitled to participate in the tender.

The following deadlines for the tender have been established:

The final deadline for submitting an Application for participation in the tender is 10/09/2023
The final deadline for submitting the tender proposal is 10/09/2023

Tender initiator contacts:

Phone:+7 (495) 775-76-61 ext.1118, Elena Kudinova,kudinova@rusfishcom.ru

Contacts of the secretary of the tender committee of Russian Fish Company JSC:

Email address:tenders@rusfishcom.ru
Phone:+7 (495) 775-76-61ext. 1125Prudius Elena

Additional conditions

This invitation is not an offer. The tender organizer is not responsible for the operation of the mail, any third parties, as well as failures in the operation of computer systems and under no circumstances will compensate potential Participants for any losses due to the Organizer’s failure to receive their proposals. The received applications and the documents attached to them remain at the disposal of the Organizer; they are not subject to return to the person who sent them and can be stored and processed by the Organizer and its affiliates for an unlimited period of time. In accordance with the Tender Regulations approved by the Organizer, he has the right to cancel the tender at any time. Submitting the Participant’s application in any way means agreement with the stated Additional Terms.