What do you think about Pangasius fish?

Pangasius is a freshwater fish that lives in the rivers and reservoirs of Southeast Asia. It has a slender body and scales covered with thin mucus.

Pangasius fish (shark catfish) is a popular choice among consumers due to its mild flavor and low fat content. This fish has a soft texture and a sweetish taste, which makes it an ideal ingredient for a variety of dishes.

Pangasius is also known for its health benefits. It is an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B12 and D, iron and calcium. In addition, pangasius fish contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are considered beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Overall, pangasius fish is an excellent choice for those who value healthy eating and want to enjoy delicious dishes. Its delicate taste and beneficial properties make it a popular product in the food market.

pangasius is most often presented on the shelves in the form of fillet – it is tender, white, fairly dense meat. Relatively inexpensive, tasty and versatile in preparation, suitable for both baking and frying. There are few bones, and practically no characteristic fishy smell; they easily absorb the aromas of sauces and marinades. The fillet makes a delicious soup, fish cutlets, and an excellent filling for pies and casseroles.

Pangasius from Russian Fish Company is always high quality and fast delivery times!